Thursday, December 12, 2024

Senior Profile: Mariah Blankenbaker

 Mariah is from Atlanta, Kansas and is earning a degree in Graphic Design with a certificate in Motion Design. Mariah will continue at FHSU to earn a Master's in Intermedia, focusing in Animation. 

It's always a joy to see students grow and learn and Mariah has out in the hard work to continue to develop her amazing art skills and we can't wait to see more of her future work! 

We're glad you'll be close to the Honors fam for a little while longer, Mari! Congratulations and keep creating! 

Senior Profile: Lauren Tai Huynh

 Lauren is from Wichita and is graduating with her degree in Graphic Design, with a Motion Design Certificate. She received 3rd place overall in the 2024 Leo Burnett Portfolio review. 

Lauren extends her thanks: "Thank you to the art department, more specifically Chaiwat and Karrie for pushing me and rooting for my success in so many ways! Thank you to Residential Life for being another family here for me! Thank you to AAOG for providing me the opportunity to go to school and have such great mentors and be a mentor for others!"

Lauren stepped up to be a CA and mentor other first-generation students to find their path to success. She's a proud and determined first generation student and we're proud of all her success and know she will go out and make an impact! 

Lauren plans to land in either Denver or Seattle in the near future. Best wishes to you, Lo, and congratulations!

Senior Profile: Morgan Lange

Morgan is from Longton, Kansas and she is earning her degree in Agricultural Business with a minor in Political Science. She was a member of the Dean's Honor Roll and a member of the Order of the Omega and Delta Tau Alpha Honors societies.

Morgan says: "Dr. Wendy Rohleder-Sook has been such a guiding faculty member for me when it has come to the LSAT, and all things law school! Also, the Honors College staff are always great!" 

All that hard work paid off, as this January, Morgan will be attending Washburn University School of Law to obtain her law degree and plans to practice rural or agricultural law!

We'll miss that big smile here, but we wish her all the best as she starts her law school journey! 

Senior Profile: Alicia Feyerherm

 Alicia is from Hays and will earn her degree in Information Networking and Telecommunications with an emphasis in Digital Media Production and Journalism and a minor in Public Relations and Advertising. She plans to pursue her Master's in Business Administration with a concentration in Corporate Communications and will be working full-time with Midwest Energy in the Corporate Communications and Government Affairs Department. 

At FHSU, she has been a student senator for the Robbins College of Business and Entrepreneurship, served as Vice President of Communications for the Fort Hays Honor Society, and did great work for Tiger Media Network. 

Alicia says: "I would like to thank Kevin and Kathay for all they have done to help me throughout my college career - specifically when transferring from KU. Transferring to Fort Hays was the best decision I ever made, and it would not have been possible without the Honors College and John Armstrong from Admissions. I will forever be grateful for the opportunities Fort Hays has given me. I would also like to thank Nick Schwien and Russell Heitmann from Tiger Media Network for all their support. I have made so many friends and memories from TMN and would not be the journalist I am today without the program."

We're so glad Alicia decided to make the move to Fort Hays and be part of the Honors College community (making it an official Feyerherm sister family tradition). šŸÆ She took the mission of the Honors College to heart and made the most of her opportunities. We're excited to see where that dedication takes her in the future. Congratulations, Alicia!

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Senior Profile: Maria Aguilar Mendoza

Maria is an online student from Wichita, graduating with a degree in nursing. She has been accepted into the DNP family practice program this fall at Wichita State. Congrats, Maria! 

Her parents and siblings have been a great support for her during her education. It takes a special commitment to conquer nursing online and step up to do great, Honorable work. We're very proud of her commitment and all her hard work. We wish her the best at WSU! 

Senior Profile: Griffin Davies


Griffin is from Holton, Kansas and is graduating with his degree in Chemistry. He previously graduated from the KAMS program. He plans to finish his master's degree in Biology here at FHSU and hopes to pursue a PhD and continue doing research in the pharmaceutical field. 

Griffin says that his research advisor, Dr. James Balthazor, supported him in making the most of many opportunities, including acceptance into the master's program, obtaining research grants, and attending both state and national research conferences. His fellow Honorable, Braden Allphin, was also at his side; "Heā€™s been in pretty much every major class with me since our freshman year, where we met because he randomly stood at my bench in chemistry lab during our first semester. Without his friendship, the trauma bond we share from P Chem, and the consistent reminders of a quiz the next morning, I donā€™t think I wouldā€™ve made it this far." Last but not least, Griffin's family was a support for him. His mom and dad always have faith in him and his older brother, Bruce, provided him with guidance during his time at FHSU. 

Griffin will continue to great things at FHSU and beyond and we wish him the best of luck!