Thursday, April 22, 2021

Senior Profile: Jorja Elliott

Jorja is a Biology major from Pratt, Kansas where you can find her Elliott Plant Shop open for one more weekend! Go on and adopt yourself a beautiful plant! She really has the touch. 

She will still be surrounded by greenery as she continues her research in plant physiology, fully-funded, in the Texas A&M Department of Biology PhD program this fall.

Jorja credits Dr. Brian Maricle, from the Biology Department, in contributing to her success at FHSU. "Dr Maricle and I have worked together completing botanical research since my second year at the University. It was in his lab that I developed a passion for plant research, and I look forward to utilizing the skills I have learned through our research as I work toward a career in the plant biology field."  

She has been recognized many times for her outstanding research and she will be a wonderful asset to her department in Texas. Congratulations, Jorja! We know you're going to do amazing!

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