Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Senior Profile: Laurel Myers


Laurel is from Colby, Kansas, earning her degree in Social Work with a certificate in Leadership Studies. As a social worker, she hopes to continue to help people see their strengths and potential, and will continue with her Master's degree at FHSU. Laurel is currently working at Larned State Hospital. She can see herself working there long-term as a case manager and group therapist for the adult psychiatric treatment program, but she also enjoys working with children. She would like to eventually get a license for play therapy. 

Laurel was accepted into the Annual Program Meeting for the Council on Social Work Education, as a research qualifier, where she had the opportunity to host a self-care night for over 20 people. She also took on a leadership role with the Social Work Club as their vice president. 

Laurel says, "I am thankful to all of the social work faculty for sharing their experiences and passions as Social Workers, anyone that has encouraged me to not give up, my parents and brother for the sacrifices they made to get me here, my church family, and most of all my faith in God." 

She aims to be a lifelong learner of mental development to learn about how trauma impacts people's lives and how to help them overcome difficult things. If you've ever spent time with Laurel, you know she is a great listener, compassionate, and wants to understand others. She has a very gentle and reassuring presence that will undoubtedly help her help others with big challenges. Keep up the great work, Laurel! 

Be the change you wish to see in the world. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Senior Profile: Kayla Brannick

 Kayla is from Topeka, graduating with a Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing, with an emphasis in Business Development and Sales. She has also earned a certificate in leadership. 

Whatever path Kayla finds herself on, you can be sure she will make it her own. May you have many adventures awaiting you. Congratulations! 

The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience. 
~ Eleanor Roosevelt

Senior Profile: Joshua Schulte

 Joshua is from Victoria, Kansas, and is earning his Bachelor of Business Administration in Accounting with an emphasis in Public Accounting. He also has a minor in Agriculture and will complete certificates in Ag Business and Finance. Joshua plans to pursue his career as a tax accountant as well as return to farming. 

The HC won't be quite the same with Joshua! We wish him nothing but success in his pursuits. 

There are three people you need in life: an accountant, a fishmonger, and a bail bondsman.
~ Guy Fieri
(Preferably not the latter.)

Senior Profile: Jasmin Alvarado-Martinez


Jasmin is from Dodge City, Kansas, and is completing her Bachelor's degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resources. She plans to be an HR Generalist back home in Dodge City for Dodge City Community College and is looking forward to reconnecting with her home community. She wants to make a difference for her community using what she learned here at FHSU. Jas is also looking forward to spending more time on another one of her loves, soccer! 

Her department professors and mentors, LeAnn Brown, Tony Gabel, Cole Engel, and more have helped contribute to her success. "ALL my professors and mentors that I have had along the way have contributed to my success. Without them, I wouldn’t have had the absolute best experience and support system that I did in my time at Fort Hays!" 
Jasmin has stepped up to make a difference already so we know she will find success doing so back in Dodge City. We're lucky to have had her in Hays for a while and wish her the best of luck! 

 It's one thing to be a part of an organization. It's another thing to be a part of the community. 
~Travis Kelce

Friday, April 26, 2024

Senior Profile: Hannah Eller

 Hannah is from Hoxie and is completing her Bachelor of Arts in English with a concentration in Literature. For the near future, she plans to remain in Hays while her partner completes their degree but is interested in pursuing a library career and returning to school to complete a Master's degree. 

We wish you many days spent with your favorite books! Congratulations!

“I know nothing in the world that has as much power as a word. Sometimes I write one, and I look at it, until it begins to shine.” 

~ Emily Dickinson

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Senior Profile: Gabriella Rueschhoff

 Gabriella is from Manito, Illinois, graduating with a Bachelor's in Biology, with a minor in Chemistry, and a Criminal Justice certificate. She has started the accelerated biology master's program here at FHSU, which she expects to complete next year. Ella hopes to have a career as a state lab technician in DNA or drug chemistry. 

Ella says that Dr. Phelps-Durr has been a great mentor and advisor, overseeing her research and as her department advisor.

Congratulations, Ella! Keep up the great work!


“Above all, don't fear difficult moments. The best comes from them.” 

– Rita Levi-Montalcini (1986 Nobel Prize winner) 

Monday, April 22, 2024

Senior Profile: Elizabeth Stoeck

 Liz is from Olathe, Kansas earning her degree in Marketing. She was recently selected as the 2023-2024 Outstanding Student for the Marketing program! 

Liz hopes to one day work for a nonprofit to help causes she is passionate about, but for the near future she has accepted a position with FHSU University Marketing as a Digital Media Specialist and hopes to pursue an MBA. 

As her advisor, Brad Goebel was a huge help in helping her plan and coordinate, and Dr. Rachel Dolecheck was flexible and supportive in Liz's adjustment to being an online student with an in-a-hurry baby on the way. Dr. Mary Martin's classes have been directly applicable to Liz's internship work and she says Dr. Martin has been great to work with due to her eagerness to help and how she builds relationships with her students. 

Liz's biggest new learning experience has been welcoming our tiniest Honorable, Elsie! "I am so proud that not only am I learning how to be a mom, but that I managed to graduate a year early when I was previously on track to graduate in 4 years. I am proud of the example I am setting for her and thankful for all the opportunities FHSU provides for success. I genuinely believe that while I would have succeeded at any university, it is because of the environment and support systems at FHSU that I could graduate in the pathway that I did and still have relationships with my professors and succeed in my courses." 

We're proud of you too, Liz! Sometimes the most important thing about Honorable life (and mom life) is finding balance and making it all work. Some days it's easier than others, but you're doing amazing and we're grateful to have Elsie as part of the Honors Tiger family. 🐯

Friday, April 19, 2024

Senior Profile: Chance Fuhrman

Chance is from Bronson, Kansas,, earning his degree in Graphic Design. He loves continuing to learn about design and graphic design. When he's not doing that, you can catch him playing guitar and watching what he calls an "unhealthy" amount of sports. Like with design, life is all about balance! 

Chance says the art department faculty helped contribute to his success. "
Chaiwat Thumsujarit saw the potential in me and helped me water that garden and Karrie Simpson Voth helped me become a better graphic designer and help me understand how the industry works." 

Chance is a talented artist, and we know he'll make an impact with his talents. Congratulations, Chance!

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.”  
~ Jimmy Dean

Senior Profile: Cassy Callahan


Cassy is from Gothenburg, Nebraska, earning her degree in Communication Sciences and Disorders. 

Cassy will remain at FHSU to continue on with her Master's in Speech Language Pathology this fall. 

Best of luck, Cassy, you'll do great! 


Senior Profile: Aspen Patrick


Aspen is a Communication Sciences and Disorders major from Westcliffe, Colorado. She also earned a certificate in Coaching. Aspen has served as Public Relations Director for Student Government and as a VIP Ambassador. 

Aspen says, “Tara Marshall from the CSD Department really helped me fall in love with this major. She was the first professor that I had in the department, and her energy and love for the field helped foster my growing passion for Speech Pathology. Blake Roth also in the CSD department was an excellent professor who always believes in his students and lets them know that. He also served as my faulty mentor and was very reassuring and supportive when I was struggling and feeling anxious about admission to graduate school. My parents pushed me academically when I was growing up, which has helped me develop into the student I am today. The cohort of girls in the Speech Pathology department are so supportive and encouraging of each other, which has made it a very good learning and growing environment.” 

She plans to attend FHSU to pursue her Master’s in Speech Language Pathology, and hopes to be a Medical SLP. She has a particular interest in Neonatal feeding and swallowing. 

Aspen will continue to do great things here at FHSU and we love to see great Tigers continue their education here with us! Congratulations! 

“Persistence is the most powerful force on earth, it can move mountains.” ~  Albert Einstein

Senior Profile: Anna Brull


Anna is from Hays and is graduating this spring with a Bachelor's of Business Administration in Accounting and a Bachelor's of Business Administration in Finance. After graduation, she plans to move to Wichita to start her position as an accounting analyst with Koch Industries. She will also earn her MBA in Business Data Management from Wichita State University. 

Anna says, "I am buying a house in June, which has been a dream of mine for a very long time, and I feel so blessed that I am in a financial place to do that because of all the scholarships and internship/career opportunities I received while at Fort Hays."

Anna credits her parents and three younger sisters for contributing significantly to her success.

Anna has put all her effort into everything she chose to be involved with here at FHSU and made the most of so many fantastic opportunities. We wish her the best of luck in Wichita! 

“If one advances confidently in the direction of [her] dreams, and endeavors to live the life which she has imagined, she will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” 

~ Henry David Thoreau (with a little edit)